Awesome view from Hotel 71 during the Incapital Holiday Party!
Awesome view from Hotel 71 during the Incapital Holiday Party!
For the record, that transition from Steve Hauschildt’s Sequitur album to Dead & Bloated by STP was quite jarring.
My co-worker’s cure for a cold is scotch and kung-fu movies. Sounds amazing. In fact, I feel a cold coming on. It’ll probably start on Friday, and I’ll see if I can cure it before the company holiday party that night.
There is a special, miserable place in hell for those who manufacture and sell battery-operated children’s toys that do not include a power switch.
In case there was any question as to who rules the roost, my little girl just told me where to sit and when I can and cannot have a drink of my coffee.
Date Night! Headed home to pick up Misse and then out for a good time.
Fun day! MacBook screen decided to stop showing anything. Instead of being productive, I get to install software on a loaner laptop. Woohoo!
Francesca is napping and I’m reading a book by the fire. That’ what I’m talking about…
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
For all you lucky ones going to #fobab, make sure you don’t leave any for me. Seriously. I can’t make it…